imageunlike British counterparts had little to no uniform. The patriots on the other hand was a cross selection of fashion of all the New Englanders. With all levels of of society being represented. When bunker hill came attempts were made to uniform the patriot forces but the majority had to wear civilian clothing.image image





Hour glass poem

Philip mazei became friends with Thomas Jefferson though business

Connections before they met mazzei worked at

A wine merchant in London

for 18 years

Philip mazzei

mazzei sailed to

vergina in 1773 to indulge

In his interest in political life and

imageto conduct agurcultral experiments legislatures promised land

James town or Plymouth?

I would go for Plymouth because I like adventers.  It  would amasing to be at the first thanks giving feast with  all the turkey and such  and more because the pilgrams were runing low on food.So if I had a time machine I  would go back dressed as a pilgram  and be part of the first thanks giving feast.And thats why I prefer plymouth. Here is a picture of plymouthPlimoth Plantation Recreates World Of The Pilgrims

9/11 reflection

On Friday I learned so much so many sad things and bad things like 2 planes attacked the world trait center.  1 plain  hit the pentagon. by the time the 4th plane was going to hit a bunch of people knew something was up. A brave mans last words were …lets roll. Nobody survived the plan crashes 1-4. It was the sadest day ever Englend showed us they felt sorry for us by playing the natinol anthome

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